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 2010/9/18 21:58:26    程序员俱乐部  我要评论(0)
  • 摘要:自从创业以来,经常有人对我说,真佩服你们这些创业的,放弃了很多东西,包括薪水,大公司舒适生活等等.我一直没有好的答案来回答朋友这样的评论,直到前些天读到世界上最大的交友网站match.com(去年收入4亿美元,百度去年收入也才6.5亿美元),世界上最大的ContentManagementSystems公司Interwoven公司的创始人PengOng的一个采访,才明白人生最大的风险是什么.Peng在2006年接受采访的时候当被问到创业的风险时候,他这么回答:SM
  • 标签:决心创业最大 风险 什么

自从创业以来, 经常有人对我说, 真佩服你们这些创业的, 放弃了很多东西, 包括薪水, 大公司舒适生活等等. 我一直没有好的答案来回答朋友这样的评论, 直到前些天读到世界上最大的交友网站match.com(去年收入4亿美元, 百度去年收入也才6.5亿美元), 世界上最大的Content Management systems.html" target="_blank">Systems公司Interwoven公司的创始人Peng Ong的一个采访, 才明白人生最大的风险是什么.

Peng在2006年接受采访的时候当被问到创业的风险时候, 他这么回答:

SM: I am an entrepreneur’s daughter as well, and it is a risk taking propensity that I think kind of gets built in if you are from that type of a family.
PO: Let me try and pose this slightly differently because I think this helps some folks even if it doesn’t help everyone. I am actually not a really high risk taker. I will explain why. It is how you look at risk. Most of us, when we think about risk we thing of dollars and cents. Now flip the situation around and think about something else; in my case I invite people to think about the time they have. You can always make money here and there later. If you don’t make some now you can make some later. You get a little bit smarter and you can figure out different ways to make money.

Time just keeps marching on. Most of us that I know of have a limited supply of it. The biggest risk to me is not that I loose money but I do not make use of the time I have as effectively as I can. When you look at it from that perspective it is very risky to get a regular job, not learn anything and not to experience very much. From that perspective, losing all of my money is lower risk to losing all of my time.



我也是创业者的女儿, 我想来自家庭的因素使我们更愿意冒风险.


让我来从另外一个角度来看这个问题. 其实我的性格不爱冒风险. 关键在于我们从哪个角度来看风险. 大多数人提到风险, 都会想到损失金钱的风险. 但是从别的角度考虑呢? 比如浪费的时间. 我们总是可以挣钱, 迟早可以赚. 随着时间你变的更聪明, 你赚钱的能力和方式会更多.

但是时间却不逝而不复返, 我们拥有的时间都是有限的. 对于我来说, 最大的风险不是损失钱财, 而是我不能最有效地利用我的时间. 如果从这个角度来看, 做一份平凡的工作是非常危险的一件事情, 没有学习, 没有进步. 从这个角度来看, 损失些金钱的风险远远不如浪费时间的风险.


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